Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Traditions

What are yours? 

Our tradition was to go around the table and tell one thing we liked about each person. 

In the years we did this there were times when people at the table thought this was lame but nonetheless they all would participate.  By the time we got to the end of thankfulness for each one, there was usually a tear in every eye.

Sweet words can be so healing.  Life gets so fast, fast, faster, faster, it is easy to gloss over these kind words that are so healing to hear each day. Years go by and although we are separate it is nice to remember why we loved to be together one time long ago.  It does bring a tear to this Mom and Dad's eye to this day.  Thankfulness is easy when you get your eyes off yourself.

So what is your tradition for this Thanksgiving? I'd like to hear in comments below.

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