Friday, November 24, 2017

Eleven Lovely Things Not Including People

For my blog I think I will start a November tradition of listing "11 Lovely Things Not Including People" for a Thanksgiving post the day after Thanksgiving. Make your own but here is my list this year.

1)  the eyes of a child when his eyes light up because he understands how to play a game.

2)  the smile that comes to my face when I hear my Sweetheart playing his guitar in the other room.

3)  the excitement of seeing a friend's face at the door you have not seen in a year.

4)  the feel of a warm fire on my legs sitting on the couch on a cool night.

5)  the joy in the eyes of a friend you just gave a simple scarf gift to.

6)  the unexpected flowers I received from another friend for our Thanksgiving table.

7)  the text I received from our daughter wishing us a happy with a picture of her and her brother              playing checkers at her in-laws' house.

8)  the confidence of being a veteran cook to doctor up a recipe that just flopped the morning of               Thanksgiving dinner to make a delicious alternative that guest love and want to take home.

9)  the happiness seeing the lights lit up in my windows for the first time again this year at our house.

10)  the comfort of a man I love by my side, as always, telling me I have pretty, small, feet that he               loves.

11)   Lying in bed late morning watching a Netflix documentary on bears with my "Honey."

Life is good.

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