Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Privilege is Not Anything Except Worrying About What Other's Think

Listening to documentaries on Netflix, reading posts on FB, hearing people talk about certain privileges certain people have, I have given a lot of thought to why people focus on the privilege that other people think other people have. It seems to boil down to the same basic human emotion of fitting into a society that has prejudice and jealousy.

The grass is always greener on the other side.  This country we live in is diverse. The religions and cultures here teach division and do more damage to divide us with all the individual rules and laws of each one.  I think of the prejudice of this entire world, each belief one holds is "the" truth, therefore no other way is true. The biggest troubles are people get hurt if you don't agree with "their truth" and people are seeking acceptance through beauty, power, diplomas, being a male, skin color, and wealth. 

We are NOT all created equal in mental abilities, physical talents, beauty, athletic abilities, creativity, or born into a supportive, loving, family, with a stable home life with food on the table, financial opportunities and education.  But we ALL are born into a world that has prejudice, differing opinions about what is acceptable or dominate: straight, gay, black, white, Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, educated, not educated, rich, poor, man, woman...etc. The thinking any of this as superior to another is insane.  This thinking is born out of a very bad self image (developed from previous generational negative thinking) that seeks to elevate one's self by putting others down and it never works long term. There are NO CHOSEN PEOPLE, we are all born thanks to the survival of the fittest, the genetics of our bloodline. (Let's not make it more than what it is.)

It is not about what other's think about me, it is about what I think about myself.  True there are racists, misogynists, "phobes" of every different way of thinking, but the people we all admire most are the ones that do not let others stand in their way of personal success, they go on to live their dream in spite of their skin color, educational level, sexual orientation, finances, or religion.

Whether it is a person who has down's syndrome, that goes on to college and graduates, we all applaud this individual. If it is a black gay professor that teaches in the university, we applaud his accomplishment.  A gay woman who opens her own business and runs it successfully, we applaud her for being successful in spite of the "phobes."

We like people who live life on their terms in spite of the naysayers. These "misfits(the true winners) of society" that do  not accept defeat because of other people's thinking or prejudice.  When anyone rises above what is thrown at them, we applaud them.  These people rise above not because of developing anger and violent tendencies towards their oppressors, they rise above by focusing on their strengths and goals and continuing peacefully till they get there.  People love peaceful people. Haters are always here that cause harm, these we cannot focus on and we don't.

None of us can change the world but if we change ourselves (strong confidence within) in time, collectively, the world will change. The evolution of humankind will phase out such frivolous haters that divide us. I believe this world was created for us all to live in unity and peace. What do you believe this world was created for?

Do you want to be a part of the change?  Then we need to start focusing on our own peaceful pursuits and stop worrying about what others think. A positive attitude and laser focus to continue till you get to the top is the road less traveled but it works. How do I know? Winners say it works.

It is a privilege to breathe air and think our own thoughts, make our own choices. More people will support you more than you know no matter what color or socio-economic background you come from when you step out and make your own way.

All people are born equal in that we all have a purpose to be here. Our challenge is to find that purpose and live it peacefully, joyfully, in spite of the haters. People do it, let's all do it.

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