Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Don't Resent Growing Old, Some People Are Denied The Privilege

Saw this in a magazine printed on a tee shirt. It made me sad because an acquaintance died last Friday, He was 49 years old.  He had a heart attack.

Death comes unexpectedly but sometimes there is a pain worse than death.  His body was weak from chemo, his immune system was so fragile that when he got a cold he would need to go to the hospital.  Gout plagued him and he became so physically weak, he could not lift 40 lbs.  He never married or had kids, "too much of a lone wolf" he said.  He wished now in his last days he had someone to help take care of him and to talk with, he would call me and we talked.

I would eventually need to hang up and he wanted to talk longer but I had to go. Now he had to go. Now he can rest free from his bodily pains and worries. He was a good man that Ken.

I think of his poor mother. You have to do some serious Byron Katie work to deal with this event.

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