Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Unexpected Surprise After Kids are Grown and Out of Your House

The children grew up.  They moved out. We were not anxious about any of them, we knew we did our best and they were smart kids.  We gave them permission to fly. Permission to not have to call home every day or every week...heck they don't call every month but we know they are living life on their terms. We certainly did, now it is their turn.

We told each of them, "Come home because you want to, not because it is a holiday or an obligation." We do not understand the need for some parents to talk to their adult children everyday or call home every week.  When you are young and living life fast, you don't need your mother or father to know everything you do.  This is why being an adult is so much better than being a kid.

So we love them, love to see them when it is convenient for them but this extra space, this extra time gives us time to really get to know people more closely. And I find I like listening to people more than I used to.  It may be because I'm not so busy running around keeping house, feeding kids, going to schools to help out every is a different life with kids in the house at any age.

So my unexpected surprise is the time I have now to meet new people, spend real time with them and get to know them.  Older folks have so much wisdom about life.  I shall listen and write the wisdom they share with me.  I have always loved people in general, now I can know them more intimately and enjoy this age. The only part I am getting used to is the death of friends and family. It is happening every year now.

All is as it should be as time goes on for me and my Sweetheart.

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