Saturday, November 25, 2017

Reach Your Own Nirvana

We choose how long we struggle to see what is here in front of us every day.  I use to see others living better than our family and think that would be nice to have that or go there or do that, I was curious.  I was not interested in someone giving me anything, I learned this at home because no one ever gave us an inheritance to do anything great with, such as buy a vacation home, pay for our college, or do anything extraordinary etc. Anything our family had we worked for every cent of it and we had very little at times.

When I saw someone with a nice car, house, boat, etc., I knew money bought these things, I wanted to learn what that person did for a living, how did that person afford that? I wanted to learn what that person knew, what work brought that kind of monetary income to afford that lifestyle. What I did not know then was that everyone does not have the same skills to do anything you see.  We must learn what personal skills we have that we can develop into a business/career that others will pay you to perform. 

As an adult I have learned that when you are handed an inheritance you can afford to buy things others have to earn. If you live frugally you might be able to avoid working till you die and hold on to that inheritance money. If you are not a first generation millionaire, which most Americans are not, you will work hard like a first generation millionaire and save to obtain everything you ever acquire. But working hard does not insure any of us will be a millionaire, it takes more than hard work.

If you learn how to save and invest money you earn you will not lose it.  If your parents did not teach you how to save and invest you better read a book or talk to a financial advisor, you will need to teach yourself and here's a tip, most people do not figure out how to do it on their own, we all need outside information. It takes time, discipline and focused effort or we will end up working a job our entire life.

When I hear of people wanting the government to take care of everything for us, I do not see why anyone would want this?  "What the government giveth, the government can taketh away."

If you get on your feet financially, independent of anyone but yourself,  learn to live within your means, get your own income from working, maybe two or three jobs if need be, you can begin to save and invest so one day you will have some money to start your own business.

So today, think what would you like to do as a business to make this world a better place? Not a business that will just make money, but make the world more peaceful, safe, eco-friendly, unify families and nations? What do you have that is worth someone paying you for, that you would love to do everyday?  Think. Employee mentality is not freedom, it stagnates in time, now you are a slave to making money instead of living your dream. Online business is here now, what a time to be alive!

This is self-actualization, this is nirvana.

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