Thursday, November 16, 2017

At first I said, "WHAT" then I said "Whatever..."

Ted Talk has a speaker revealing the invasion of privacy Facebook has on you.  Algorhythms are set up to draw you in for influences of the owners of the ads.  At first I thought you mean every posts I ever deleted was kept by FB for market research?  Egads is nothing private?  I say this because I vent on FB.  I read posts and get angry, type out my anger in the comment section and then delete it knowing I am really not that interested in getting into an argument over something that is not my fight.

Now I will not be doing that anymore...

When any problem presents itself to me, I think about it.  My initial thought is not the one I reason with or act on, I relax and process my thoughts before speaking most of the time.  I learned this from a past of opening my mouth only to change feet.  I learned discipline of what I say, how I say it, and to whom I say it, most of the time I realize it is none of my beeswax so I shut up.

So although I accept I am not perfect, I will be more careful of what I write and delete on anything.  What was typed was typed, what was deleted was supposed to be deleted but now I learn it was not, my privacy can only be maintained by me.  And so it will from now on.

If I can say one thing I'm getting really good at in my old age, is MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS.  I stay out of others' business private and professional unless they ask me for help directly.  My business, my life is so peaceful, I will keep it that way.  The advertisers need not waste their time trying to influence me, I always do my own research before buying anything even the news.

If you want to check out the TED Talk it is titled: "We are building a dystopia just to make people click on ads... by Zeynep Tufekci. 

Me? I'll mind my own business...FB can do "Whatever..."

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