Monday, November 6, 2017

The More we Know The Better we Do...All change begins in our Mind?

Byron Katie Mitchell that teaches has survived some really painful body diseases.  Her teaching is that you embrace the disease, love it, and then it will leave.  The disease comes to teach us something and once you accept it, really love it, you will be healed.

I do not know if I will ever be able to do what she has taught by example but I would sure give it try before taking drugs.  The hardest for me, would be, to accept I think, after that was accomplished I would let nature take its course.

I will say I was deaf and it was getting worse and I accepted it and then one day I could hear again. The line between the five senses, our damaged DNA, and this acceptance is different for each of us. One thing I am very sure of, if you try and don't get healed, we cannot live in blame for not believing enough, this really is not beneficial.

Juicing, eating healthier, exercise, positive thinking definitely helps.  There is so much scientific evidence to the benefits of eating healthy, being a healthy weight, thinking positive thoughts that you would think we all would do it, but we don't.

This is the age of knowledge.  We know the right things to do but do we do it? This is a great time to be alive, we are learning more and more about how to live well, now it is up to us to choose to do it. Alcohol is very harmful to the body.  Studies are revealing how toxic this is to a healthy brain and body. One day in the future I hope humans will look back and say, "I can't believe humans use to drink alcohol and diet drinks! Didn't they know how bad that was for them?"

Vegans wait for the day humans say, "I can't believe humans use to eat animals!"  The future is going to be interesting that is for sure and I do believe everything is getting better as we all get educated about self care... And choose to do it for the rest of our lives. 

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