Thursday, November 2, 2017

Mistakes will happen, but let's call these "Lessons"

You know I go through each day really caring about what I do, the people I see, and the excellence of the duties I perform and yet in this world, you are only as good as your last performance.  It's good to accept yourself as a human that is not perfect, even Serena Williams loses a game once in awhile, Richard Branson loses a business deal now and then, and these losses may happen again in time. Life has challenges and we have choices. No one is perfect.

Sh*t happens, it is never planned, it not expected, it is not wanted, but sh*t happens.  When it happens you have to explain yourself to someone and if that someone has not accepted that being human is what is...there can be trouble for you.  I made a mistake today at work. An honest mistake but a mistake that caused a little inconvenience but with remedy, all was well.

So when mistakes happen I remember, "Defence is the first act of war."  I endeavor to listen more than speak and accept life as it comes, even if I don't agree with the chastisement, I am learning in my years on this earth to let life unfold before me and be thankful. I am at fault at times, it's ok. I do make mistakes and I can look for the lesson to improve my performance.

In "calmness" I'm learning to speak up on my behalf after listening to the other person's point of view, and accept the mistakes I make and that life goes on.  The universe has my back, and what I may not agree with now I can accept knowing in the near future things will change for the better.  Things always get better as time goes on for all of us if we look for the good, we will find it.

Hey I think I just wrote about this yesterday!  Good reminder for myself today!

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