Sunday, November 19, 2017

The American Woman Citizen Will Not Adopt Other Cultures' Archaic Treatment of Them

As bad as anyone may think this USA is in the treatment of women, and the long road we have yet to travel through laws for protection of children, women, and yes even some men, we are still a BIG LEADER in the world of equality of the female across the world.

Whenever you speak with any immigrant and I do often and ask, "Why come here? You could go anywhere in the world...Why here?"  Every single time I hear one of these answers: "I can make money here. There is no civil war here. There is individual freedom and opportunity here. Once I have established business, the government will not come close me down, take it away with no reason. The health care here is much better, I don't have to wait in line for serious need of medical attention. My child can be educated and have a chance for a better life. Women are treated better here, they are free."

Women here do have opportunities that other countries do not allow for women.  An immigrant female friend is excited that she is allowed to drive a car and go through the city without fear of her or her child being hurt or kidnapped, allowed to dress without the hijab and be judged as a "bad" woman.

Men are not allowed by federal law to beat, harass, kidnap, rape, or slap women here.  Women need to speak up and file charges to have the man locked up.  So to think another religion or culture is coming here to change the treatment of women to be less that what is established...THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.   

An American woman is strong when she uses her voice and the law of this land.  We have a long way to go I know, but we will not be taken back to archaic cultures that submit women and children to abuse unimaginable.  You bring your religion here great. You hold onto your culture, great. But you had best remember you came here for a better life and you can have it, but you better learn the ways of a USA citizen and treat women with respect and the "equal to any man status they have by law here" or go back to your country, leave your women here, we will celebrate their freedom as they grow old in the good old USA.  Women are free here.

Don't get me started on how religion holds all women down, do not get me started...

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