Saturday, November 11, 2017

There More Good Men Than Bad

Most of them are married and settled into a quiet life in a long term relationship. The reason you don't hear about this silent majority is because these men and women have no time for drama.  These couples are living the dream of being in love with ONE person for the rest of their life.

Think about it the only men you hear about often are entertainers or near the entertainment industry in some position, this includes politicians.  Remember when politicians were people you could trust and look up to? Oh no... that was when I was much younger and did not know how government is run and how privileged men and women abuse the money and power of government for personal gain to maintain their seat.  Chasing personal agendas instead of listening and acting on behalf of the taxpayers has become the norm for politicians.

Bottom line there are many more faithful men without devious sexual minds than the mentally sick ones we see in politics and entertainment fields including media and sports. How do I know? Because the everyday American man is the working majority supporting his wife and kids, trying to spend time with his family instead of running off to another night club, lounge, business meeting, or party.

Thank goodness for faithful good family men.  There are plenty out here, but you have to wait to find him.

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