Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Accepting What Is

For me is an everyday endeavor. It is so easy to get off track when I listen to others' concerns.  Time and again I remind myself to stay centered in accepting what is.  Things I can control and things I cannot. The past and future are out of our control, this is true.

Sometimes I am so thankful I am living my life and not another person's life. And then I remember oh yeah, I trained myself to be present in whatever MY life brings and that is why another's life can be exhausting to think about, it is not MY life. If another's life is exhausting to me it is because I have not meditated and prepared my mind to accept and live that life. 

Simple, kind, honest, trusting life with my Sweetheart for many years now, it is enough.

Image result for accepting what is eckhart tolle

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