Friday, June 1, 2018

Sometimes I Have to Remind Myself

Every day every person I meet has a different outlook on life and I enjoy it as long as it is not full of hatred or violence.  Every day I study and research going within myself deeper and deeper.  In reality I have done this since I was a child.  What began as writing my innermost feelings in the dark with a flashlight under my bed in childhood has become a passion of having a light go on inside my mind more and more. A light that brings more inner peace and understanding.  Some may say I'm obsessed with this, but I love it.

So many motivational speakers say "Do what you love." This is it for  me.  This is why I am motivated to write the book I write.  It is my passion, to become aware of my own thoughts and becoming released from any ego, pride, pain body, selfishness and any confused thinking that causes fear in me, these epiphanies excite me.

This is why for me, daily meditation is non-negotiable, daily study with expansion of my self awareness knowledge is non-negotiable.  I seek listening to others on their path to peace as another source for my own awakening and find it is always worth my time to listen. I don't need to take their path but I like to hear what they discovered on it.

"No one can bring you peace but yourself." ~RWE

In truth I believe when you are born into a family that is so steeped with negativity, social climbing status pride, ego, jealousy, a family that likes to put on an appearance to the world outside that everything is OK when  there are multiple divorces, domestic violence, hurt children that want to leave home or get thrown out because of differences, families that hold money and inheritance over your head to control you, mothers and fathers that neglect and really don't want to parent the children they brought into the world, illnesses that continue generation to generation, mental illness, there comes a time when someone in the downline says, "Enough!"

At this point that "black sheep" makes big changes. Unless you have carved out an existence that is comfortable enough that you do not want to know more, to go deeper within, you will not change.  Familiar patterns will pull you back in, it is easier this way. I have taken two steps forward and been pulled back five, many times but I keep pushing through. Outward comfort, causes complacency, this is not my comfort zone.

Thankful to notice real positive change in me that occurs without effort more and more. There are people who don't believe any change is needed even though they are not satisfied with the life they live. 70 % of people in the USA today dislike the job they go to everyday, they want more but don't want to do anything to change.

Therapists advise it would do all of us good to look to improve with positive changes our entire life. One does not need to see a therapist to do this.  Sometimes I need to remind myself, that whatever anyone chooses is their choice and I need to accept that is the right for then until it is not.

My husband, children and I are making positive, peaceful, and solid changes like many others around the world now.  What took generations of confused sleepwalkers to put us all asleep and to make us unaware of our actions and words is now coming unravels as we seek inner peace.

The world is changing for the better, one by one, we are clearing the confusion of the human mind thought by thought, one person, one thought at a time.  Life is getting better on earth, the people are aware of their own goodness without ego. 

Thankful for you.

Image result for charles darwin quotes

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