Thursday, June 21, 2018

Better Educate Yourself Before Believing Anything You Hear or Read

After you live on planet earth for decades you begin to see for yourself through self education what is real and unreal.  You are not spoon fed your reality through a TV, movie, or society.  This is called thinking for yourself.  Even if you are taught things are true at home that are not, there is a sense of right and wrong that will eventually surface.  If this sense is strong enough you will set yourself free of ritualistic thinking propounded by anyone or anything around you.

This has been something I have slowly awakened to throughout my life and I am not alone. The more I read books, the more I listen to others that escaped horrible abuse the more I become excited about the the awakening this earth is going through. 

Documentaries have an agenda. Whenever you see one, keep in mind the message the overall documentary is promoting, and then do your own research.  I watched quite a few documentaries on Netflix and then discussed the ridiculous claims and outlandish outcomes that the documentary summarized with other worldly educated friends, and we all came to realize that there are conspiracy theories being promoted as true. We cancelled Netflix, even the comedians are not funny anymore.

One tell tell sign about everything I see and hear, "Does it promote unity or divisiveness?" In other words is it taking us closer to peace or war? 

Thinking for myself has gotten me in many controversial situations. It has cause me to grow, it has cause me to see where I am thinking wrong, and it has cause me to be more confident. 

Thankful to learn to think my own way, and thankful to know what leads to peace is the way, not to say that the path to peace is lined with roses, but to know the path is available to anyone that seeks it.

Image result for the path to peace is not always easy

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