Monday, June 25, 2018

Peaceful Actions and Kind Words Much more Beneficial in Any Protest

Look at history, only dictators promote violence and destruction when the people they govern do not give a dictator what she/he wants, inflated egos that think their one way is the only way.  Every day people born in this country learn early on in life that to have a peaceful community of people we must help one another, we must compromise, we don't push our cultural, religious or political beliefs on others, and if we do there are laws to protect our freedom to live here with peace. Much of the disagreements here now are in the details, government is trying to enforce the agenda of a few on everyone. If there is a person who wants to govern and advocates harassment and harm to others, the saner people distance themselves from this person for the community's well being. In America we vote them out, we don't wish violence, harm, or death to anyone.  Who raised these people? Watch actions of anyone, their actions will speak loudly who they are and what they believe. 

In these disagreeable times here in America we are seeing the true colors of many that do not get their way, we see what is happening and "royal American citizens" are voting these people out of office and not buying tickets to the show.  We must protect American Citizens that make the country a place of peace and we that pay taxes to keep this government alive. This government is wasting our tax dollars on their personal luxurious lifestyles and personal agendas, making laws that benefit them not us.

The only place to begin to have peace is to quiet the anger in me.  Inner peace for each person on earth is the easiest way to world peace. Conscious awareness of the insanity of the mind then needs to be practiced daily to maintain this inner peace, outer circumstances must not affect the inner peace of the mind. A peaceful mind is an orderly mind, one that follows laws of positive thinking and kind resolution for all.  The planet is becoming more peaceful, people are uniting, it is exciting to live in these days.

Fear, materialism, identifying with what you own, your position in life, your degrees, will prevent any of us from looking deep within to achieve this inner peace. Peaceful minds have the best ideas to unite humankind. Doing anything with peaceful emotions and kind words these are much more powerful than anger.

Thankful to finally begin to understand this in my life, my life is the only one I can affect.

Image result for if we are peaceful thich nhat hanh

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