Saturday, June 2, 2018

Why Men And Women Perspectives Together Help See the Truth

Sweetheart and I eat raw seeds on our salads and sometimes we get rancid ones when we buy from the grocery store.  We had some sunflower seeds that were inedible and decided to put them outside for the squirrels.

After a couple of days Sweetheart took a picture of a squirrel that was eating a lot of these seeds.  He ran upstairs and said, "I wanted you to see the squirrel that is eating the sunflower seeds, he is a little fatty."

I looked at the picture and sure enough he was huge. "Boy he really likes these seeds!" he said.

Me, "Yes she does, I see 8 nipples, that squirrel is pregnant dear, you bet she is fat, she is eating for more than two it looks like."

It takes two sometimes. to see the truth of it. Thankful for my dear and that little squirrel, the dear thing.

Image result for Pregnant squirrel

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