Sunday, June 17, 2018

You Can't Know or Receive Anything if You Don't Know it is Available

Ignorance is not bliss if you need help and you don't know where to get it or how.  My prayer is that if anyone needs help, he/she keeps looking till you find it. Too many give up believing there is no end to a terrible situation, but there is, and if you are brave enough, you will survive and move on to a better day.

I met a woman tonight who told me in 15 minutes some of the saddest events to happen to any one person in a short lifetime. She was in her thirties I believe.  My heart goes out to anyone that has had such a difficult short life.  Better days are coming, she is getting counseling to help herself and her children.  Amazing, she, even in her hardship, is taking care of a much older ex-husband that is in last stages of renal failure and has no one else to turn to.  Women do the most amazing things even when they are suffering they find a way to give others.  Amazing, amazing, women like her...

Somehow I think she will be alright, she is stronger than we know...

Thankful for my life.

Image result for amazing strong woman do great things

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