Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Singing Cowboy In Our Yard

Working on my anniversary present every day, we agreed together to clean up the woods, take down dead trees and build a gazebo.  The discussion moved to the front porch that is non-existent due to carpenter ants destroying it a couple of years ago.  We have looked at a design we like for the porch for 25 years, we did not like the original one.

So today we zeroed in on the final cut.  Sweetheart will build a wood porch with front steps, and we will lay a brick walkway to the driveway.  If we have time, we will do the gazebo too before winter.  He has put in a small vegetable garden for us, because he loves to grow plants, he loves to tend a garden.  Listening to him tell me about the vegetables he will grow so he does not need to build a fence, he chooses plants with leaves the deer and rabbit don't necessarily like. I had no idea.

Every day we walk the driveway for a mile or two. This morning we got up early to clean the deck, rake the leaves out of the rock garden and mow the backwoods.  He has a beautiful design out back which we are thinking of ways to keep mosquitos under control so we can sit out there now.

We walk by the garden and he happily points out, "See how nice our plants are growing?"

"I put in 6 more cherry tomato plants and a few eggplants, you like those." 

Sweetheart is allergic to eggplant so you know that is for me. 

I go to the house to get a protein shake and when I come out Sweetheart is walking the garden path strumming his guitar and singing a Robert Plant song, "The Rain Song." Be still my heart.

Love a man that plays a guitar anytime, especially in our house.  We walked further and he played.
Thankful for the simple life with the simple man I married. My cowboy.

Image result for robert plant song the rain

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