Thursday, June 28, 2018

Chosen People? We All Are Chosen

How do I know? We are alive now, breathing air altogether on this earth now. Any group that believes they are special because they are were "born in it," or "joined it by a special calling," and now consider themselves to be saviors of the planet and the people on can climb down from you pedestal, we got this. All of us, got this, no one needs to save anybody, in fact no one can.  No one is responsible for saving the world, we all have that assignment by being here. Being present to relax, take it easy your opinion is not the only one that can can make positive changes. 

Go within, find something good in everyone you disagree with, it's a beginning to unite.  Drawing a line in the sand has not worked so far.

Yes we must endeavor to keep the planet clean and safe and that responsibility belongs to us all, no one person can force everyone to do this. Together we got this. 😎

Thankful to know it is not any one person's job to be Superman or Superwoman, if any of us died today, the world would go on and it would evolve as it will. 

Be the example, live the example of kindness peacefully as we patiently get our work done.

All is well. We are all chosen people here on earth.

Image result for eckhart tolle quotes about being special

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