Sunday, June 17, 2018

What My Animal Spirit Guide Supposedly Means

Peacock is my animal spirit guide, at least that is what I saw...

The Peacock is here to remind that nothing, including beauty, should be taken too seriously. This will help you stay centered on what is and allow you to be grateful for what you have. Having a light hearted approach to all things that come our way because laughter really is the best medicine to keeps us healthy and happy.

(I do like the "what is" aspect of this, as I follow Byron Katie teachings: 'Loving what is')
Alternatively this bird could be letting you know that now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations within yourself. Use this birds gifts to bring you confidence, stature and a sense of accomplishment in all the things around you and all your current projects.
You are a person who always comes from a place of honor and integrity. You stand up for your beliefs and you live by them. You have a tendency towards flamboyance at times and enjoy showing your true colors to all those around you. You are completely trustworthy, self-confident and are good at discerning the truth in all matters. You are always willing to walk your talk. 
Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen field.
Historically, some traditions equate the peacock spirit animal to the Phoenix, a mythical bird that is said to have risen from funeral pyre ash and to be reborn. Why the comparison? Like the Phoenix, the peacock exudes confidence and offers encouragement to shed the old to make way for the new. Another reason is that the peacock of all birds most closely resembles the phoenix in appearance.
The iridescent blue green color of the peacock’s feathers has often been associated with royalty and the traits of self-confidence and leadership. The distinctive pattern of “eyes” on the feathers is associated with vision and wisdom.
Shamanic traditions often incorporate peacock feathers into their rituals and ceremonies for their healing and protective properties. Symbolizing purity, peacock feathers have historically been placed upon or tied over wounds to draw out poison and negativity.
Peacock Spirit Animal

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