Saturday, June 30, 2018

Memories with a Smile

Giving unneeded goods on is more fun than I knew.  We had a dorm size refrigerator that the adult children no longer needed.  We have had it in storage for years so I listed it on  A response came and we met the sweet family. 

A younger couple brought their son along for the pick up of the frig. An adorable handsome and polite son who loved baseball as his Dad.  The years we spent at baseball fields for practice, games, and tournaments came flooding back into my mind. 18 years we did this with three players in three teams, traveling nationwide, washing uniforms every night for the game tomorrow, a lot of, a lot work. So glad when I decided after 12 years, not to go to every national game away from home, Dad and son had a blast without me, without the mom around... and yes the uniforms got washed every night and yes they ate three times a day and yes Dad brought everyone home safe and sound again ready to travel again next week.

***Yes, Dads are as capable as Mothers to take care of children and when they are trusted to do so, do quite swimmingly. I love men, always have, and I love families together, making the children's dreams come alive, the journey is as exciting as the destination.

Memories, the best days of raising little ones, helping them become civilized adults, is a gift.  Thankful to have had this experience, thankful to have had a father to help, it made a huge difference for the children. Happy for this family, their children will have good memories of their parents.

Smile. 😃

Image result for little league father and son black and white parents

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