Thursday, June 21, 2018

Western Women Have More Freedom, Money, and Rights

Let us not forget education yet today, the most seen women are at each other's throats when they disagree.  Women need to unite in respecting each other with differing opinions.  Men can in general travel as a pack when necessary to follow laws and get things done, and yet these celebrity American women immediately go to name calling and judgment of a differing lifestyle or opinion. Women can be vicious in words and actions to another woman or man they disagree with. We see this more than ever on the celebrity platform but we must remember... celebrities are not our American standard, these people do not live in the real world. They make their living imitating others and living in a fantasy world to create their profession.  Grossly overpaid for the service they provide, I do not blame them for the money they make, it is this capitalistic American system that enables them to have this kind of money, so they earned it.

Being famous, being seen, being on stage is more important to each of them than anything, and each have made choices to do whatever they need to do to stand there, to be famous, to be seen, to be validated, some even compromise their own integrity, to have an opportunity for us to look at them... the "Me Too" movement in Hollywood is proof of this. I support these misguided females that walked into the web, because they did not know better than to do so.

We, the everyday American citizens are the real actors in our own lives in the USA.  We work to eat, we live to care for and raise our own children to be civilized and kind people.  Let's not get distracted by celebrities and their short sighted insight into how to live a real life. We, the ones that work every day to pay bills and be at home with our children, that choose to be faithful to our spouse, we create the backbone of American society. We, the parents that work to provide for our children and to be "seen" only by our family or co-workers as honest law abiding people. Taxpayers that vote and when we don't like the president, wait for another election to come around to vote him or her out of office as we go back to raising our own family. Focusing on our community and what we do best, honest work, paying taxes, and enjoy raising our our family.

There are no royals or special people here, This is why America was founded for better or worse, it has opportunities here that women of the world do not. Let's remember this and be the shining example of goodness, with education to be more open minded and compassionate. Alas the celebrity men and women are currently behaving badly here in the USA.  This too shall pass. We older Americans watch these inflated egos of Hollywood and politicians come and go every decade or so, and we do enjoy being entertained by them when they focus on their craft.

Thankful the sun will come up another day tomorrow and until the sun does not come up, thankful.

Set yourself free, think for yourself, do not be a slave to social media, TV, movies, political viewpoints, news, decide for you what is best, study.

Image Gallery harriet tubman quotes

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