Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton and I have a Lot in Common

Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton and I have questioned the validity of man made verses, additional verses, additional words in the Bible.  I began questioning these as a child of about eleven, there are inaccuracies in the King James Version no doubt. And no one around me at the time wanted to discuss or could explain to me the discrepancies.

Instead of conforming I rebelled in my mind and actions.  I decided to set out on a quest to find my own truth. It has been a path marred with others judging me as wrong, sacrilegious, and even heresy however it has been a breath of fresh air not to feel trapped by the prison of false beliefs that lead to negative name calling and excluding others that simply were different from anything I had ever known.

Yet I know the path of simple, ordinary, is where to begin to understand anything, to see clearly.  Once you know the path to peace, which begins with you in your mind, being kind to yourself first, then and only then can you begin to see how to be kind to the world.  If peace is to be, it must begin with me.

Thankful to love me and those around me even if we disagree. If you look closer at history you will find you are like TJ and IN too. This is the American way, question everything.

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