Sunday, June 10, 2018

How Repetitive Thankfulness Leads To Opportunities

Many years of reading many books about people who achieve their dreams has lead me to see that being thankful every day in every way has opened doors of opportunity to each.

These thankful upbeat positive cheerleaders of life learn from their mistakes and try another day to live their dream. Persistence with a positive attitude is a hallmark of these thankful people that live with determination, good work ethic, an openness to learn more, that leads to greater opportunities. Life is like that.

Complaining, asking, "Why me?" Why not you? Everyone has challenges in this life. What makes you think you have a special pass out of challenges that everyone has to face sometime. It is called, "Being human." To act as if you are a victim with no way out will keep you in the prison of your mind. This attitude closes down opportunities right in front of your face because you are too blind to see.

Bad experiences teach us valuable lessons if we lean in to see it. If you don't learn the lesson, these life lessons will be repeated until learned.  Only you know the lesson you need to learn from every situation, that is the greatest gift, only you can know the lesson, you can figure it out, you can think for yourself.

Chin up, keep moving forward, think repetitive thankful thoughts beginning from the moment you open your eyes and patiently wait to see the universe help you win.

Thankful to know this and live each day excited to see what is next but staying present to enjoy now.

Image result for thankfulness leads to opportunity john rohn

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