Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Royal Citizens of The WORLD

When you finally get that there is a yin and yang to everything you understand we are one.
On this concept alone, if anyone declares him/her self royal then we all are royal or we all are not.
Since the world of known is what most focus as true then choose to see yourself as royal too.
This does not mean you have the duties or the things of, but it does mean you have as much right to live and be as any royal here.  However hopefully we choose to act more honest, faithful, and kind than those of earth who claim to be royal people, the character is many times less than sterling. Oh yeah, they are human like the rest of us.

Funny I had this concept as a child before I knew that any royals existed in the world. A sense of knowing everyone has value and everyone is respected regardless of economic or social status and therein has been my major disappointment in dealing with the world as I grew up, others did not know this and treated each accordingly.

Some even treated themselves badly because they did not know this.  As a child I was steered out of this belief and told I was less than royal, by religion, culture, and relatives.  I began to treat myself badly, and a result I treated others badly but then I grew up and away from home and I discovered the child in me again. As an adult I am free to think for myself and know now, what I knew when I was very young, we all are royal. Either we are one or we are not, truth is: "We are one." 

When I see people behaving badly from children to prominent people of the media, I know they are not aware of their place in society.  When we know we are one, we are kind to one another, even if we receive bad treatment from another, someone that does not know their value, we that know our royal position, know the other is unaware, weak in mind, and we think before we respond to him or her, and in that moment of thought, we can remember "We are Royal" and remain kind and civil. 

Evolution of the human mind world wide is coming along nicely. How do I know? Because I am waking up to my own unconscious behavior every day and finding more and more peace within and extending this peace outward. In my own awareness of being one with the world.  If I'm opening then the world is opening, I am not different from anyone, not even a royal. Neither are you.

Thankful to know we all are "Royal Citizens of the World."

Image result for we are all regal

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