Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Another Reason to Live in America

This morning I spoke with a friend from the Philippines who has been here about 3 years. His wife is a registered nurse that was recruited and brought here to work in the hospitals for less money than the RNs that were educated and have been here for years.  Many of the older nurses I knew would tell me about this.  The immigrant nurses are happy to be given an opportunity to work and live in the USA and bring their family members.

This man is one of them.  He and his family are pleasant, educated and he, like so many legal immigrants I know, is currently saving to own his own business here. He really is one of the most positive and upbeat people I know, glad they made the trip. 

Today he told me of his 24 year old daughter that wanted to go back to Italy, she has a boyfriend there 13 years older.  He told me that he and her mother told her, "Everything here in America is better in every way than Italy or other places back East and besides you are not in the Philippines anymore.  There a woman is expected  to marry by 25 years old or be pressured to do so. Here, women don't get married till 30 years old or older.  It is okay to be older to get married."

She decided to stay and he and his wife are thankful.  He said, "You know her to be so young and that boyfriend to be so old, he will shape her life to fit his, she will not be able to find herself and live the way she wants to live. In America a woman can become whatever she chooses in freedom and in peace"

So he says with a smile, "I think that is why she is staying, that, and I offered to buy her a BMW LS, she said,"Ok."  Wink wink.

Thankful more and more women are waking up to the opportunities right under their noses here in the good old USA. Now for American born women to join in and start their own business, being thankful and free from marriage and children if they choose or if they choose to be married with children, be thankful everyday to live here in this country. I know I am.

Image result for bmw ls car

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