Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Father and His Son

I visited a dear friend who just lost her mother-in-law to whom she was really close. This woman taught my friend (a teenager) how to cook, prepare a feast for a family, hostess an elegant house for family gatherings, basically how to be a good wife. They really loved one another.  Now, my friend loves to cook, loves her husband, and loves their 7 y o son.  This son was truly a gift from God as my friend was told she could not have children.  After 16 years of marriage this sweet boy arrived much to their happiness.

They chose to come to America when he was 4 months old to give him a better life and a childhood surrounded by a much more peaceful society than the one they left behind. They were accepted into Canada first which was the first choice but were told they had to wait two years to enter there however if they would go to USA they could go now.  Anxious to live free and in peace for their son's sake, they came here quickly. In the country they left behind the couple had a big house, both were college educated and established in successful careers. 

In America their diplomas and experience were not honored and they were told if they would start over with American education they could again apply on an entry level to get back into a career they worked for 15 years.  They needed to learn more English, and they did, they needed to find work, and they did in positions of minimum wage. 

I met her 3 years ago. She is a very optimistic and fun person, that Thanksgiving and Christmas I invited her family over and the friendship was born.  The food she brought was delicious.  Her husband is so kind, loving, peaceful, and supportive of his wife to work and live free in America it was surprising to my family. Her son an angel with good manners.

Good people with pride they paid their way and wanted no monetary handouts from our government.
As they both worked they made sure they were with their son always.  They were not interested in day care for him, they wanted to be his confidant, his parent, his trust.  

His father made sure wherever he worked, he was able to be home to put his son to bed every night. He would go up to bed with him and spend another 30 minutes talking with his son about his son's day. They talked of good things, and bad things, and peaceful ways to handle every situation the child encountered throughout his day. His father has done this every day since he was a baby. As a result this father and son are very close.

When his father left for his country to attend the death of his mother, he left his wife and son behind because they had to keep working and it costs so much to fly there.  At the airport, as they kissed good bye, his son was crying.  His father said, "What are these tears? For your grandmother?"  

His son said, "No, I cry for you, because I will miss you so much!" 

We Americans need immigrants to come here and remind us what we use to be, before we took our lives for granted and became consumed with making money to support a lifestyle more than we value time every day with our children.  Children are small for a short time and will be gone before we know it forever.  We teach by example.

"When you don't have much, you cling to each other." ~LMS

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