Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mrs. Fields Handed Out Cookies, I Give Out SMILES

"Mrs. Fields Cookies" empire was not taking off as she planned so she went to a mall location put cookies on a platter and went out into the mall and gave her cookies away, everyone ran to her shop to buy bags of the deliciousness.  I read that she carried her cookies with her everywhere and handed them out to anyone, she even took them on a plane and handed out cookies there, she is successful. Her cookie empire is worth $450 million today. (Yes she diversified, multiple sources of income)

Now if  you know me personally I have told everyone to consider limiting the intake of sugar.  I read a book titled Sugar Blues when I was a teenager. In the book it says that if sugar were created today it would need to be obtained by prescription for all the damage it does to the human body and brain in comparison to the small pick me up benefits.

Sugar is in every product on the shelf now.  I read McDonald's puts it in the french fries, no wonder they taste so good.  Pizza Hut puts sugar in the tomato sauce, keeps me coming back for more, or learning to limit myself from it.  When our children were babies I cut their juices by 50% water and I use to put them to bed with water in their bottles. (I did not want to rot the baby teeth with a sugary drink)  Our eldest would throw the bottle out of the crib to the door as I was exiting the room. Independent expressive little angel, I gave him his bottle of water each time until he finally gave in and drank it.

I gave up sugar altogether twice in my life, once for two years, another time for 3 years, what I discovered is my bones stopped aching and body did not hurt in general.  (Less headaches, more energy, better sleep,  benefits without pharmaceuticals.)

We began to give sugar desserts to the children when the kids were older, maybe 5  or 6 y o. But the first time they tasted a chocolate chip cookie they would stick their tongues out and make a scrunched up face like they tasted something bad, and they did, sugar!

But the idea that inspired me, Mrs. Fields handing out cookies and making people happy appealed to me.  What could I give? (Not sugary desserts) I thought and came up with a "SMILE."  It grew on my face, perfect!  So I have given smiles purposely for over 35+ years and I see that even if only for a millisecond, others give me one back.  Now Mrs. Fields gave to get money, and it worked. (Smart woman)  I gave smiles to spread a little joy in the world with each person I meet.  Children love smiles from an adult.

Extremely rare I get no smile at all, and when this happens I send white light to that person.  I give smiles expecting nothing in return and have gotten many a conversation started as a result.  Others think I know them, or think I want something, I say, "No just happy to see you."

Weird right?  If you want to, try it this year, just for fun and see how many new people and their stories you get to hear.  I love stories even if I don't believe any of them and you know why...

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