Friday, December 2, 2016

My Husband Makes Me Laugh/ He used to Make Me Want to Kill Him

My sweet husband got a bike rack out for us and found a squirrel had stashed a pile of maple nuts in the tube, not wanting to deprive the squirrel from all his stored nuts, my husband gathered them together and put them back in the place he removed the bike rack from and when I asked him "Why did he bother?" He replied,"Do you know how much work it takes to get a maple seed out and clean it? I couldn't let the little fella go hungry after all that work!" Silly me, I had to ask...
In many ways my husband and I are alike and in many ways we could not be more opposite.  I have said many times not many women could be married to my husband, and I know not many men could be married to me or could they? I am wonderfully delightful!  

The first ten years were the worst, we were playing the roles of man and wife according to society and the Bible, I let him have the final word many times in an argument when he was clearly wrong, and I bit my tongue.  “Oh no, Susan B. I had become a "drudge!"  I didn't mean to be, I just fell into this role.  No outside influence, including my mother AND mother-in-law, ever suggested anything more for me in the role of wife.

I must observe here for the readers, my mother was married to a man who had little money, my mother-in-law married to a man with more money but both women acted like drudges!    

On our tenth anniversary, my husband planned a celebration for just the two of us. He had asked his brother to babysit our children while we went out. I had decided things were going to change in this marriage starting tonight, I had been thinking about this for over a year and I had plans too.  Either my husband would agree, or there was going to be a divorce.  Enough of this, his way or no way, this had to stop now, I was too young to settle into a life of "no life for me."  My mother and mother-in-law had lived an unhappy marriage, an emotionally disconnected life from their husband, and I was not going to settle for anything less than MORE...

To be continued tomorrow...

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