Monday, December 5, 2016

Who Invited These ANTS?

ANTS are Automatic Negative Thinking, to think that brain scans and doctors who have studied these for over 30 years can detect a pattern and with a 300 question survey see a personality trait such as a negative viewpoint sounds ridiculous.  Having taken psychology courses, the line drawn between genetic influence and environment have left text books on the subject to read, "There is no clear exactness to the human brain to draw such conclusions which has the greater influence on a person."

Like anything I endeavor to undertake I researched Dr. Amen and his methods to determine if his brain scans of the brain could possibly diagnose ADHD.  I liked his holistic approach to addressing such problems with patients.  I do not like taking pharmaceuticals unless it is a last resort. I am not against drugs or vaccinations as history has proven these do more good than harm.  So I researched Dr. Amen.

If you do enough research you will always find the negative side, (I always read what the naysayers say, it is good to know both sides of an issue so you can decide for yourself what is true) and he was considered a "quack" by the USA Surgeon General and this report read something like (you look it up, you do your work) "Dr. Amen's work has not been proven absolutely scientifically to be valid therefore The Surgeon General cannot endorse his findings through the brain scans or his remedies."

OK, I see what the Surgeon General of the USA has determined, but I also know history, and there was a day when Dr. Louis Pasteur was considered a mad man when he discovered and wrote a paper supporting his theory that germs cause diseases. And because of his theory he went on to create vaccinations that have saved many lives. Mind you it took a hundred plus years to prove him right but he went through such ridicule at the time, one must admire his tenacity and persistence.

So I believe Dr. Amen's research will be accepted one day.  Here's what I do know, his team of psychiatrist put together a natural supplement (based on the areas of my brain that needed supplemental help to function normally) a regimen that I purchased and took daily.  All natural, no drugs, and I began to experience a relaxation in my mind and body that I had never felt in my life.  I remember thinking, "This must be what normal people feel every day. Wow, this feels great, I am so thankful for Dr. Amen and his research."  I was so relaxed that I begin to wonder how normal people get motivated to get things done! 😉

What I have noticed is that most people I know have never gone to have a mental evaluation ever.  And if one has gone they did not do the follow up work as prescribed. A therapist once told me, "The people that need my help the most will never walk through my door, the fact that you did, means you are 100% ahead of the game and your success is much more certain."  The other thing I was told as therapy went on, by the therapist, "When I prescribe a method of daily action to do, I know in six months, you will see the positive results I hope for you,  because you do the work."  I have never been in long term therapy because my therapist have given me great keys to heal my confused mind and they worked. I have gone through "Terror Barriers" to get here but I made it to the other side.

I have spent years practicing these keys and reading and seeking help to find what worked for me and I will share these in my blogs, so you can decided if any resonate with you and you need or want to try them, you can for free.  When it comes to ANTS, notice whenever you are talking in a group of people in conversation or debate, how many negatives come out of other people's mouths in response.
To be aware of this conversation in my own life, is the first step to controlling how and what I say.

This I know for sure, "When someone is constantly positive about everything, that person becomes boring, when someone is constantly negative about everything, that person becomes annoying."  To think for yourself always looking for the good in every opinion expressed and then decide for yourself what is true is to begin to accept others even if you don't agree with them.

In time you will find we all are looking for inner peace and a kind world we just have different viewpoints as to how to get there. (And we will get there in time, because we are one, the same.)

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