Saturday, December 24, 2016

We Live like Kings and Queens Here but We Don't Know It

The ability to read and the availability of books is a treasure of a King.  The first printing press was invented in 1436 but the first recorded record of its existence came in written form as a result of a lawsuit in 1440. (It figures...)  The books available to the public were religious.  Books by scientists and authors were printed without the source cited and early books did not credit the writers of them.

Mexico City had the first printing press again printing Catholic Church rules for the people in 1660. The first printing press in the USA was brought over by a minister and his wife to Massachusetts to print Bibles for the colonies.    The minister died on the ship over here and his wife quickly set up business with an assistant to run this business.  She eventually married the president of Harvard College.

Why do I bring this up?  It has to do with discipline, self motivation, and learning.  The world is getting better every day and in every way because of the information we all have via technology. There was a time when only Royal (Rich) people had the money to buy books and great works of art. The public was kept in the dark intellectually, never to explore other thoughts than what the rulers of the country wanted the people to know.  Limited access to entertainment, books, cities, other cultures and people kept everyone in the dark.

Information is power.  Today we have public libraries, public playhouses, public art museums, public state museums, and if you care to visit and linger and read, you can learn many things.  You can find out how good we have it today and become extremely grateful.  Knowledge is life changing.  An idea to pursue or write or create comes when the brain is free to think new ideas.

If the mind is so lock closed because of a fear of thinking and exploring other cultures, beliefs, (A commandment of many religious texts) we become short sighted, closed hearts, closed minds, , and judgmental of anyone that does not believe like me.  If I'm right, someone has to be wrong, and that would be you.  Division and darkness of intelligence is causing us to judge, hate, and fight one another.

To read every book in a public library is to have your eyes open and your heart open to other ways of thinking. No one is making anyone give up personal conviction, we are just opening our eyes of compassion and respect for all others.

Thank goodness for freedom to read and live and learn in the world. In time we will live in peace. We are one, we all want peace.

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