Monday, December 12, 2016

Compassion Is Not Learned, It is in Our Blood by Birth

The first compassion each of us experiences is from our mother, The Dalai Lama explains, "When we are born the first act of compassion comes from her to give us milk."  She continues along with her mother and other women to nurture and care for each of us, no religion teaches our mother to so this, she does this by nature, therefore it is in all our blood to be compassionate, we are one.

There is compassion in men. How many times do men come to the rescue of animal, child, and others in the most desperate situations?  Men dive into rushing waters to save a dog, men hang from helicopter ropes to rescue a person from a burning building, men go to the door to defend anyone in a domestic violence call, they defend and protect by nature.  They can be so wonderful when they are not angry and confused.  But then, we are all nicer when we are not angry or confused.

My study of my own angry and how to get rid of it has been a life time journey of discovery for me. To know how to get rid of anger I had to dissect why I became angry in the first place.  I also found that anger unresolved lead me to bitterness.

What I discovered is I became angry over feelings of helplessness when I was taken advantage of or lied to, betrayed over something I valued greatly, to be falsely accused of  a wrongdoing or just not being listened to, being made to sit down and be quiet when I had done nothing wrong. (This was done by family) I'm sure our children could share stories where I am guilty of doing the same.

In adulthood my anger came when I was made to do things for a paycheck I did not want to do. (Mind you I have never gone against my morals) It might have offended me, my sense of morality, my principles, my high standards not shared by another person, someone in charge I have to get along with to complete my job.  (Nothing worst than working for a person that gives no praise even though you do excellent work but is quick to criticize without all the facts)  Still we sometimes have to work for these neophytes till we don't.  These people do not bother me anymore, way past this now.

When I was young I did not understand myself or anyone else. There were no teachings at our house except "pray, turn the other cheek, go ask for forgiveness" from someone when it was not your fault, and "I don't know the answer, but I know HIM that does, let's pray."  This never solved anything for me.  In life you need to know when to stand up, how to speak up, and who to speak up to and when to speak for yourself and when to stay silent to benefit yourself and others. To stay silent constantly is to have no confidence in your ability to affect a positive outcome.

Years later I began to wonder, what happened to both of my parents as they were growing up to make them so naive and ignorant of the world and how to live in it?  They did not receive the loving support or sage wisdom needed to be strong and confident about themselves and they cannot teach what they do not know.  (I did find my father knew more than he let on)

I was determined to find these answers to teach myself, heal myself, to move on and be in control of my life. I wanted a happy life and I have achieved it.  Starts with repetition of a good thought, if you can think one good thought you can think two good thoughts, if you can think two good thoughts, you can think three good thoughts, more good thoughts follow when that dopamine is flowing. 😉

So many teachers here in the Garden of Eden now.  I use to rely solely on public library books but now we have the internet, bookstores and seminars online! What a most wonderfully evolved time to be alive! We can learn how to heal the world through compassionate teachings on You Tube!  Thank you Eckhart, Byron Katie, Dalai Lama, and anyone else that makes you happy that you follow, it's all good, it's all the same end result. We are one, compassion is in our blood.

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