Saturday, December 31, 2016

Eckhart and James Taylor Teach the Same Wisdom

"If you can be absolutely comfortable with not knowing who you are, then what's left is who you are- the "Being" behind the human, a field of pure potentiality rather than something that is already defined. Give up defining yourself- to yourself and others. You won't die. you will come to life."

"Always say yes to the present moment. Surrender to what is.  Say "Yes" to life- and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you."

"Suffering begins when you mentally label a situation as bad.  That causes an emotional contraction. When you let it be, without naming it, enormous power is available to you.  The contraction cuts you off from that power, the power of life itself." ~ Eckhart Tolle

I've been there, I have met others who have been there, I'm not positive but I think when you go deeply inward searching for truth there is a point when everything you think you know becomes questionable.  If this isn't scary enough, to realize your rules, your beliefs are not absolute? Then what is left to believe?

Eckhart teaches when one gets to this point, you surrender to "What is" in so doing you find yourself. To stop defining myself, who would I be? Now that is scary.

Yet I came to this unlearning process by every mistake I made, every belief that didn't work, every time another plan fell through for both of us.  I came to total surrendering  about 4 years ago. A letting go, I had no choice.  To share my life with someone that does not have the same rules and therefore has to make his own mistakes that can involve me and affect my life, is "Marriage."

Multiple marriages, more children from another man, are too confusing for me.  To see husbands and wives break up is understandable, when one does not know self or have personal goals to achieve outside of each other, there is no inside peace, there is just a routine. And this routine can smother and choke you if you don't find yourself first. Looking inward is to discover what I don't know, it is to begin to unlearn the things that are harmful to myself and that isolate me from others.  Things I took as routine were not helping me to become the genuine me.

It took me years to unlearn what I thought I knew and to begin to know I don't know and begin to find peace in the present moment.  It is good to be at place not having to have to have all the answers all the time for everyone else outside of me.  I can only control myself and I don't have to work at that, I just do it.  I know the right thing to do I do it.

Eckhart says "Not knowing is a great starting point, to be stressed about not knowing is the only problem."  Life will unfold to you as you live it whether you like it or not, things change, people change, I change, but I choose to "Not to change my life partner in my process."  It is all okay, the universe has my back and it has yours, the world is a friendly place.

James Taylor sings a song that speaks to my heart as the writings of Eckhart do,

"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of up your heart, welcome to the human race, It's a lovely ride...try to not try too hard."

I don't know if JT even knows who Eckhart Tolle is but as I said before, all roads lead to the universal truths of peace if you seek it.  I loved the message of this JT song before I knew of Eckhart Tolle. They both teach the same thing in different words. Thank you JT and thank you ET.

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