Tuesday, December 13, 2016

He Always Comes Up Smelling Like a Rose

There is a Peace Village located up the road from me at Hunter Mountain. The Brahma Kumaris is run by yogis that volunteer there. It is funded through donations from the public and The United Nations.  You can check out their website and go to a retreat there to learn different things.  I went there for a workshop called "The Artist Within." Occasionally I go to their annual festival, so many interesting and beautiful displays from all over the world.  Food, dance, art, music, it is a fun day.

This festival had a display of the work of Dr. Masuru Emoto.  His experiment fascinated me because I study the mind, thoughts, and energy, and his experiment involved all three. His theory was to prove the energy of words, ultimately what it does to anything including water.  

Dr. Emoto put water from the same source into two containers, one labelled "hate" the other labelled "love."  Then the test is to say hateful things to the one labelled "hate," and then say loving things to the other one.  After two weeks he froze the two waters, put shavings under a microscope.  The positive water produced symmetrical crystals, while the negative water produced malformed crystals.

I guess he needed to freeze the water to melt it on the slide?

Anyway a self-help teacher wrote about the experiment in her book and asked her readers to do the same experiment with an apple. Cut it in two, put one half in a clear cup or set it on a plate, say negative things to it, and in another part of the house put the other half,when you walk by say positive things to it for two weeks.  I have never done this experiment but you can read about it, it's called The Big Apple Experiment.  The results were said to be the same, one half negative rotted faster than the other one. See picture online, you GTS.  (Google That Sh*t)

This experiment intrigues me because although I have never done either of these, I do know what it feels like to be criticized and cut down often.  It made me sad and rotten inside until one day I began to think for myself and became much, much, happier.  I surrounded myself with more positive thoughts and people and I became balanced, happy, and excited about life.  So I believe this experiment has merit.

Last week my daughter and son-in-law sent me a huge bouquet of roses.  Because I go out to work most of the day, I made a vase and put a few roses in it to carry in the cup holder of my car.  My Sweetheart was going out of town and we were on such different schedules that we would not see each other for a few days.  I decided I wanted him to be reminded of me so I put a rose in an empty Kombucha bottle to put in the carry cup of his car.  

He said every time he looked at that rose it made him smile.  When he would hear a song on the radio that reminded him of us, he would smile at the rose.  When he would ride by a restaurant or place we had visited together, he would smile at the rose.

He got home put the rose on the counter where he could see it every day. When he went by he thought of me and smiled.

Now my big bouquet has lasted longer than expected but the bouquet is dying naturally. His single rose is looking so much better than the rest that I thought of this experiment when he showed it to me. Now you may say that this rose experiment is malarkey, but my husband wonders why his "rose" is so alive.  I don't know but if it has anything to do with the love he and I have for one another...

I say Dr. Emoto has got it right!  Here's Charlie's rose and my bouquet on the table, you decide.

So I asked my Sweetheart if he would like to try The Big Apple Experiment, his first response was "Why do we have to say negative things to one half of the apple?  That half didn't do anything to deserve to be negative!'  

I'm not sure about reincarnation, but I think I may be married to Buddha.

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