Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What if God were ALL of Us?

Imagine being born in an environment as a baby.  Your mind is a clean slate and although you may have genetics not in your favor such as ADHD, Asperger's, depression, Downs's Syndrome, etc. or economic favor, suppose you were born into an economic situation such as poverty, (you insert your own reason for failure here) or classified as a commoner, a lower "caste" citizen, I ask, "How much better are your chances in life if you have a positive and supportive atmosphere to grow up in?"

Time after time I have read biographies (I travel through books) of successful people and time after time there was that one person, that teacher, that stranger met once, that relative, that told them, "You can make your life different, keep going, things will get better, you have talent, you can do it!"

And what if like me, you have no one telling you that at home, school, or church.  In time after you grow up you begin to see that if the people around you could not tell you that, then they were not supported in this way either and they cannot give you what they don't have. It is not easy to forgive these people, but once you realize they were doing what I am doing now, "The best that I can," the forgiveness begins to come in your mind and heart. This took me years to see. Tip: Do not take as long as me to realize this, forgiveness of others enlightens you, not them. You are important.

The more I have learned about my own maladies, I see that my folks suffered with the same ones, ANTS, but they never sought outside help, and if they did and that help did not work, they chose to not keep searching until they found one that DID work for them. One day when I had given up on life, parents, family relations, and church, (No concrete answers there, just "blind faith," no thanks) I asked GOD, to prove he/she was real. AND that was when I heard the voice the first time with instructions.

The instructions lead to an ACTION I HAD TO TAKE and I know now it takes continual daily practice on my part, research, and study to rid my mind from Automatic Negative Thoughts. Daily positive statements through repetition create positive actions to edge out the negative ones.  It is work at first, then it becomes easy, finally it is a part of the "positive you" and you move on to the next challenge. Some of these changes have taken me years and even decades for the positive to take effect. However it worked finally! Life is much sweeter for me on this side. I never give up.

One reason I am writing is to share what I know, to perhaps give others a SHORT CUT to the positive outcome of self love and inner peace I have now.  Know this, you will find your way if you keep seeking, my way is NOT the only way, one religion is NOT the only way, one opinion is NOT the only way, one culture is NOT the only way, you WILL KNOW when you find your way, it will bring you inner peace and cause you to NOT harm yourself or another.

When you accept the negative judgments placed on you by society, relatives, churches, governments, and family members, you die a little every day for the rest of your life believing such lies. These lies can rob you of the joy of living. I was robbed BY MY THOUGHTS and I held myself back because of them.  You can choose to THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS regardless of outside influence and in time you will be free because YOU MAKE YOURSELF FREE THROUGH THE THOUGHTS YOU HOLD IN YOUR MIND.

There is a reality, a force, some call it God, Allah, Isvara, Brahma, and others many deities, corn god, rain god, whatever a person prays's a huge secret, anything that is positive, good, motivates one to be kind, loving, peaceful, and to give to others, IT IS THE SAME GOD be it called by any other name.

This one concept alone once accepted by us all could bring about world peace.

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