Thursday, December 15, 2016

I Love all Religions but I like My Crown in Heaven the Best

As a self-proclaimed Christian predominantly for many years, I loved designing the jewels in my crown by my random acts of kindness.  I pretended that whenever I did a good deed it would decide the size of the jewels in my crown.

And here's the breakdown:

A 60 carat diamond would be set in the crown for a major act of selflessness, example donate a kidney to someone or dive into alligator infested waters to save a child.

Now a 30 carat diamond would be worth: bring a person into your home to let them live with you until they got back on their feet, 6 months or less, providing food, shelter, bed, etc.

A 20 carat would be give someone $2000 or less as a loan never expecting to have it repaid even if the person promised she/he would.

A 10 carat would be buying someone a set of tires or paying for their train ticket to their home, or giving someone a free ride to move them across country to their new residence.

A 5 carat diamond would be helping someone find a house, car, or job when they had no clue where to look.

A 3 carat diamond is worth a hug to a complete stranger after listening to their tale of woe with tears in their eyes.

A 1 carat diamond is worth words of encouragement to anyone you encounter that tells you of their troubles, a simple, All will be well... All is well... and a thumbs up as you depart and wink.

Now anything less than a carat is really not of interest to me but a few 1 or 1/2 carat rubies, to represent a virtuous woman is welcomed. 

So for a 1 or 1/2 ruby, here's the breakdown:

This is for every time I give a peace sign to someone shooting me the bird for God knows what...I drive but don't always know what I do that makes others mad...I just see the bird. 😁

Or for giving an old woman $5 to buy that rat trap she wanted but could not afford in the grocery store.

Or donating an artificial fireplace to a veteran’s hospital for the rec room.

Or volunteer work anywhere.

Or for letting that wreckless driver in ahead of me so she/he will not kill them-self, or being kind when someone cuts me off in traffic, or takes my parking spot.

Or waiting line patiently without saying, "Why aren't there more cashiers open? This is ridiculous!"   Or being kind when I'm told they sold the last one just before I got to the front of a line I had waited in for two hours.  Or keeping my tongue silent when I am being preached to that I'm going to hell because of my beliefs.

Or not getting mad if my credit card is declined when I know I have money in the bank.

I've been working on these jewels for 45 years.  No one told me to design the crown I just did and every time I did something for anyone that did not thank me, I would say, "It's Ok, I'm encrusting jewels in a crown that I will wear in heaven for eternity, and this made me smile and give more another day without expecting anything in return.

The crown I was working on for heaven does not exist but the happiness I have developed in the acts of selflessness has brought me such joy and peace that the crown does not matter. Giving to people even if they don't contact me again, even if they don't thank me, even if they don't know it was me, I know now by helping each of them, I was helping me.

Just for the record I don't know if I'll ever have that 60 carat diamond but I have read of people that do.  We are all one. We all want peace.

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