Sunday, December 11, 2016

You Are Not the Leader of Anyone but Yourself

From the time I was a child I wanted to make my own decisions and be supported for it.  Born this way.  What I experienced was an authoritarian household.  Father’s edict was his way, no argument or discussion and Mother’s way was the King James Bible.  Neither of these left any room for independent thought or personal development and appreciation.  Credit for something good I did went to something other than me, “God.” If I did something bad, I was always to blame. (Why doesn’t God get the blame too?)  Confusion setting in my young mind…

The Good Book (KJV Bible) in particular was to be the “leader” of my life judging me right or wrong.  On earth, holy men representing God were a spiritual “leader” for me.  Whenever I had a problem, or made a mistake, I was to go to church for answers, the minister, and (a man) was available in case I could not figure it out for myself. 

You gotta be kidding me, I didn’t buy this when I was young, I have a brain, if I have God in Christ in me, why do I need to go anywhere except inside me to get answers and God’s forgiveness? I can see the error of my ways in the results I get, I have a conscious.  

And then if my mistake involved a person(s) on earth, it only makes common sense that I need to go to that person and ask for their forgiveness so we can again live in peace. If this person chooses to not forgive me, I have to accept their decision and move on with my life.  It only takes one, ME, to decide to live in peace.

When I grew older I read in the Bible scriptures concerning man and wife. I noticed a woman is referred to as a wife, not an individual, teaching a wife to submit herself to Christ as the church? I knew I was out!  There has been more male/female dominated interpretation of those scriptures making men in charge of everything with no need for women to do anything but follow and make babies.

Every religion, culture, monarchy, that is male dominated puts a male as the major decision maker, women say, “It’s just easier that way to avoid the argument”.  With this comes much sensual gluttonous behavior from the men that destroy the mind, other individual’s freedom, animals, and the land.

Women have great power, great insight, great wisdom, but it seems women are more interested in being pretty, the center of attention, and silent, so they don’t have to stand up to do the real daily work that needs to be done by women to save the earth. 

Raise your voice in kind wisdom our female voice is needed now more than ever.

Women we need to save our men from destructive behaviors.  Animals, women, children, need our protection ladies, if it is to be, it starts with ME.  Time to become consciously and collectively aware, if we save our minds, raise our voice, we can save our families, if we save our families, we save our communities, if we can save our communities we can save our country, if we can save our country we can save our world.  Put the Bible down when it describes a woman’s place in this world, the men need our help.  To make a powerful difference get involved in politics, communities, business, etc.

So many “leaders” have become drunk with power, that they have lost connection with themselves, their spouses, and the people. I studied the Bible, and went on to many other books to help me get rid of displaced anger. No religion ever made me good, honest, or peaceful, I was born that way and so are you.  Where did the confusion and ANTS come from? Genetics and environment, we can change both! I started with healing me so I could have a big purpose outside of me, I can serve the world.

“I am the leader, the thinker and the doer of my own life and actions. Everyone else is just a suggestion to me.” ~ Candy Newton

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