Monday, December 19, 2016

Don't Get your Knickers In a Twist, it is just a BLOG

Donald Trump was interviewed by David Letterman a few years ago.  David asked him, “If you lost it all tonight, where would you begin tomorrow?"  Donald Trump answered, "Network Marketing."  

One thing you hear in the network marketing presentation is that at a job you trade hours for dollars and this is true.  There is no such thing as job security.  Wealthy people have more than one source of income but who tells the average American this? No one, but a study of the more financially secure individuals reveal that they have more than one way to make money.  The more the better.

Have you heard of the potato farmer that drives a school bus every morning along with selling eggs? Or the beef farmer that works early morning and late evenings on the farm after working full-time as a teacher? Or a nurse who owns apartments? If you have more than one income you always have something to fall back on.  With the internet, we have access like never before to connect and sell 24/7.  It is even better if you can have a business that makes money while you sleep.  Network marketing makes this available. (Easier than manual labor.)

I happen to believe any downline I have will do as I do, research the products, see if I need or want them, sign up and buy from the privacy of my home, and call and ask for help if needed. 

The products will sell themselves. Proof in how great I feel keeps me coming back month after month. No pressure, no weekly meetings, no worries.  I love Isagenix.  The sponsors are wonderful people and although I don't "hang" with them at annual celebrations or talk to them every week, I know they are there if I need them.  All of them deserve all the success they receive. Great folks.

As for a pyramid scheme I look at every retail business I have worked in and they are all pyramid schemes. The people at the top are making the most money or they would not be in the business. 

If you like Essential Oils, there is a MLM for that, join it.  If you like Tupperware, there is a MLM for that, join it. If you like organic makeup there is Arbonne, join it, like Mary Kay, join it, Herbalife, USANA, Pampered Chef, Candles, etc. join it.  Choose one if you have any idea you might like the products and tell people about it.  If enough people try it and like it you may make some money. If you are like me, I will always buy Isagenix because I love the benefits I receive from the products and I enjoy the wholesale discount.

Bottom line is to have another source of income coming into your home.  That is all.  I wish I had known about multiple sources of income earlier in my life, I could have focused on having more incomes 30 years ago and be in even better financial shape today.
Now you know about this, you decide what to do.

What I would advise anyone new to network marketing, DO NOT go into debt buying products. If you have to choose between paying rent or a car payment, do not spend that money on network marketing stuff.  When I hear people filing for bankruptcy because of too many Amway tapes, products, or going to a weekend celebration you can't afford, I have to go back to what I always say, "Think for yourself, say no."  I did, so can you.  

I once saved for two years to comfortably afford a seminar I wanted to take. If you wait and save you will be buying without anxiety. That is the best way to buy.

I think it is long past time to stop the gibberish of claiming "network marketing" is a pyramid scheme.  That is an antiquated view of a very viable way to make honest money from your home.  Dog walking, raking leaves, house cleaning, Etsy, selling products on EBay, etc. anything to make extra money for a vacation or rainy day savings is good.  I know Ben Franklin would have tried them all, and he would make it work or move on to the next idea quickly.  He was successful because he was not afraid of trying something new.  BF was a corker!


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