Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Better like Your Paradigm because you are Betting Your Life on it Everyday...

Bob Proctor is inspirational. He says he is not a motivational speaker.  He teaches viable methods of making your dreams a reality.  Recently we attended his "Paradigm Shift" seminar live stream and we loved it.

Who the heck has heard of a 'Paradigm?'  He describes the paradigm as a subconscious blueprint that was designed for each of us as a child through DNA and an environment that reinforced the values of it.  Now as an adult we take stock of what we learned and if it works for us or not.  

According to Bob Proctor, whatever your paradigm is, you better like it because you are going to bet your life on it.  Meaning you live every day from the subconscious mind directing the conscious mind to do things.

In my house by the time I was born there were a lot of dashed dreams.  Both parents were disappointed in their lives.  Missed opportunities, plans not working out, it was always because they did not have money.  Money seem to be the reason for everything good or bad and because we did not have much of it there was a lot of unhappiness, especially in my mother.  By the time I was ten the negativity and hopelessness at our house was starting to suffocate me.  It was clear that Jesus could not help even though my mother went to church and prayed diligently.

To even mention a dream or a goal was to hear quickly, "That'll never work out."  After years of this response, a child stops dreaming of a better life and begins to think of how to end this one. (Especially if clinical depression runs in my family and it does.)

What would have helped is a parent to say, "Someday, someway, you may figure that out even if we can't."  But these words were never spoken and my eyes began to dim.  My paradigm began to remind me before I opened my mouth, “That'll never work."  I learned that mantra well.  

What happened to the verse, "All things are possible through Christ that strengthened me?" That scripture was not quoted or mentioned.  I learned that verse after I left home and studied the Bible for myself.  My Christian mother must have never heard that one either. Now I believe your life is possible if you search and find viable means of supporting yourself. Praying alone does nothing.

Parents cannot give what they do not have.  They do their best and that is it. That is what we all do.  I set out on a mission to change my life.  To find reason to live and love.  

It takes deliberate action and daily discipline to keep my mind in a positive state.  First I found a way to understand anger and the root causes of it.  Then I found distinct ways to rid my mind of it.  Next I found a dream again, and now I study those that have successfully achieved theirs to teach me how to achieve mine.

You know I was thinking, there are people born with talent to sing, act, write, research, invent, teach college, become a lawyer, doctor, business owner, even be the Dalai Lama, their path seemed clearer to them at a young age, or it may have been chosen for them. Then there are people like me that are looking to live life with love in it and peace. What I have discovered, many that have the other things I mentioned never found their inner peace.  Many do not know unconditional love.  Result restless unhappiness.

So maybe just maybe I can offer suggestions that helped me find unconditional love and peace that will help someone else.  I hope so, this is why I write...

By george I think Bob Proctor has got it.  I'll be the guinea pig, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm scared but I'm jumping...

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