Friday, January 13, 2017

I wanted to See Healings like Jesus, and I did!

Unlocking the Healing Power of You

This article reveals scientific evidence that your beliefs determine the outcome of every situation.  The dividing line between religion and reality of the world and how it works is disappearing.  There are rituals in every culture that promote healing in times of sickness.
Some of these rituals are shown in the website above. (Opens our eyes of understanding to the bigger world.)

Modern medicine is seeing the power of the mind and beginning to incorporate these alternative methods into the treatment plan. I experienced a very unexpected treatment and received an unexpected healing from an "energy healer." Not to be confused with a "psychic healer," this young man is a scientist.  He has the medical degrees in molecular biology and modern medicine to back up his teachings.  He is not a spiritual teacher/healer.

A friend invited me to a one day seminar with Dr. Adam McLeod in Canada.  She was looking for an instant healing for her MS.  Adam had healed his mother of MS years earlier.  
Now when I was a child and heard of Jesus and his healing power, I used to pray to God to let me meet Jesus so I could witness this. I wanted to see someone get healed from the touch of "his" garment.  At this seminar at break time, Adam was walking through the crowd, a woman clamored to touch Adam's shirt and then exclaimed she had been healed. She felt it, she suffered from a heart disease and had not raised her arm in years because of this condition. She raised both arms in the air and the people that were with her cried, "It's a miracle!"  Religious folks...

Adam said he was glad she received the healing but he could not explain it because it was not scientifically possible to have that instantaneous healing.  I was present, listening, watching, not expecting anything.

Later in the seminar as he performed his method, (You can see what he does on YouTube.) and I felt some strange feelings in my head. When I returned home, I discovered after a couple of weeks, I had no more migraines. I continued to focus on the method he taught according to the DVD I bought at the seminar and meditated on the healing to insure it took. 😊

My prayer to meet Jesus with healing powers had been answered.  Many people felt the energy that day in their physical bodies. Later I heard that Deepak Chopra said, "There has not been a person born in over three hundred years that had this amount of energy power." Ok if you say so, Deepak, I certainly don't have access to such knowledge. I trust you on this.  It does not matter really, I saw what I saw.

I went back to see Adam and took our family, I thought it was important for them to know such a person on earth now exists.  Each generation has the teachers needed to expand the universe. When all else fails I tell people about Adam and Isagenix. I totally believe in the healing effects of them both.

Adam teaches we all have the power to heal our body as long as we have control of our mind to focus.  He also was asked that day if an autistic child could be healed and he said he does not see a Down's syndrome individual being able to focus and heal his/her disease because of the brain's inabilities.  Humans do have limitations at times, it is a fact. 

 Whatever happened that day was good for me. To be relieved of those headaches is wonderful.  No more pain meds.  Thank you Adam!

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