Monday, January 30, 2017

Learning Inner Peace on Peaceful Soil

My life like many others was not bed of roses.  Yet with a persistence and good conscious I have overcome many hurtful and angry thoughts.  I have learned to forgive but I do not forget.  To remember without hateful judgments is to be healed from my past and to remember, reminds me to not get caught in the situation again. Physically or mentally. I'm still working on this.

I played a part in every bad thing that has happened to me even if at the time I did not know it. It has taken a lifetime of self-realization to see this truth.  Once I began to see it then I was no longer a victim.  I became the champion of my life surrounded with loving, kind, children, friends, and family...but paramount I became aware of my own addictive negative thinking. 

The truth that every great philosopher from Epictetus, Jesus, Buddha, to Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle teach today are true for all time.  Pema Chodren, Thich Hnat Hanh, Dali Lama, whomever you see as a teacher of the higher path to follow will NEVER  include fearful thoughts or encourage violent words, certainly not violent actions as the road to truth.  These people teach, 'present moment' awareness and how to be in control of my life, my mind, through awareness.

Every negative thing I see in another is in me.  Every good thing I see in another is in me. 

This does not mean I become insensitive to others, it does not mean I become a non-action taking person, it does not mean I do not care, it means I focus on my part, my purpose to be a positive influence on the world, not get caught in the waves of discontent of everyone around me, fruitless. I take action as it pertains to me. 

This is why now many, including me, are deleting friends or unfollowing them on facebook over the pro-Trump and anti-Trump postings.  There is no power in continued anger and worry over things outside of my control now.   

Personally I do not believe the men and women in government in this country have ever been evileach is doing their best according to their life experience to serve the American people the best way they know how, regardless of their personal life. 

Of all world governments, this US government is still the greatest experiment that has proved successful in many ways, for governing people and leveling the playing field for everyone to be equal and have opportunities to rise up.  To pursue their life in peace.  We are a young country we will get it right in time, we are good people.

Admiral Stockton was Ross Perot's vice president. He served 37 years in the navy and 7 years in a POW camp.  When he realized he was going to be captured and become a POW, he knew his life events were going to be out of his control so he decided to train his mind in the teachings of Epictetus.  Solitary confinement and torture were his physical days, he kept his mind, and he focused on inner peace because there was no outer peace.  He survived and returned to the USA to run alongside Ross Perot as the vice president of America.  Although he did not win, he would have served us well in light of knowing how to best serve the American people and keep us safer here.  He was becoming aware, waking up to the collective consciousness we need to survive on this planet.

General Mattis studies Epictetus. These men are warriors, trained to protect the USA against warriors of other lands who are not trained to protect anyone except themselves. These foreign terrorists do not respect equality among all, it is not in their periscope. I thank God for these warriors, there is a time we need them. I am not a warrior.  I am not at war with anyone anymore, the only thing left for me to conquer is my negative thoughts in my mind.

These military personnel are trained to protect a nation of Americans on this soil from the "cruel practices" of other cultures and religions.  This is their purpose and they will do it. It may not be the plan you choose, it might not be the plan I would choose, but it is a plan to protect Americans.  We are not in charge of the physical protection of America soil.

I plan to protect my mind from automatic negative thinking by deleting hateful thoughts of powerlessness, and influence. Trying to control external affairs will always end in wasted energy, Admiral Stockton figured this out in a POW camp.  What situation do we need to discover our inner peace? 

I would rather learn to discover my inner peace in the USA, land of the free, on peaceful soil, than in a POW situation. How about you?

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