Friday, January 6, 2017

Riding over The Rockies in a Rolls Royce

It was cold and the snow had just slowed down.  My Sweetheart and I were thumbing our way to Tinne, New Mexico from Gunnison, Colorado.  We were in a leadership training program for a ministry.  This part of the training involved placing our faith in God to get us from point "A" Gunnison, Colorado to point "B" Tinne, New Mexico.  Now to make this trip by car takes about 9 hours but to make this trip thumbing, depending on the goodness of complete strangers could take up to a week depending on "your believing" according to the ministry. (Ok if you say so...whatever 😇)

This looked like a fun adventure to us.  We left with $20 each in our pocket and the test was to go to Tinne, go on an outdoor hiking and rock climbing expedition for 10 days and then thumb back to Gunnison.  We left and found that we walked a lot, evidently people were not excited to pick up hitchhikers, especially one, 6 feet tall and a little one, 5 feet short. But we found this enterprise to be so much fun to be out on own, and out of daily maintenance chores back at the ranch and constant Bible teachings.  Sometimes you just want a few days off and this was it!

The Rocky Mountains are more beautiful to see up close than words can express.  Although the view is royal, the weather can be brutal. Ice cold whipping winds, sleet that can cut your face while whirling 'round your head, thankfully we had on full L.L. Bean garb or we would have frozen.  At the peak of one mountain we really wanted to get a ride, we were cold, tired, and hungry but there was not a town in site much less a house.

So we begin to laugh and sing, now coming around the bend was a brand new 1980 black Roll Royce pulling over to pick us up.  We looked at each other and said, "When God delivers, He delivers the best!"  Who would think a Rolls Royce of all cars, would be up here in this storm?  The driver lowered his window and invited us into the back seat.  We got in and saw there was another man in the front seat. (Both men wore a business suit.)  The driver had a diamond ring on his hand but I saw no wedding band.  He asked us what we were doing out here and we told him.  He told us how far he could take us and said "Interesting,"

He went back to talking with his front seat comrade about business.  Now we took a closer look at this Rolls.  Every handle, button, gauge, outside and inside this car was shiny GOLD.  What?  Even the lock and handles on the doors were GOLD. Up front the dashboard was polished Carpathian Elm Burl Wood, (Yeah I know my woods) with GOLD frame around every gauge.  It was NICE!  He played classical music through a sound system in this car, clearer, than we had ever heard.  The leather seats were cream colored and heated, yes I LOVE the things money can buy and the comfort...well I always say,"You never regret buying quality!"

I also thought "What do we need to do to be able to afford this lifestyle?"  I did not know but I was going to find out.

Because, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it,people like me!"

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