Friday, January 20, 2017

No Hollywood Stars? No Popular Celebrities? The show must go on and it did!

Were you ever in marching band?  It is so much daily hard work and little opportunity to demonstrate your talents except on a homecoming football game or a concert your parents and grandparents basically, attend at school.

And who does not like a marching band?  We do! We do! Love parades!

The inaugural parade and entertainment was not full of celebrities and their floats. Thank God. To them this is just another gig and another way to promote their latest songs to get more money. Hollywood entertainers and popular rappers, singers, have plenty of money to stay in the finest hotels and be seen at the best restaurants in DC.  But these marching bands do not.

These bands were honored to be invited to an inaugural celebration.  They needed money for new uniforms, new instruments, travel expenses, hotels, food, etc.  And the American people helped them raise it alongside of Conservative TV shout outs and Republicans.  These bands received so much donated money that their school had leftover money to do improvements on their campus.  

I bet these people will never forget this gig!  They have a story to tell their children's children and it will be told in the history of their family.  The entire family can join in the happiness of this event.

The military bands and choir are beautiful to see in action and hear their songs.  

The President and his family were as gracious and handsome as any before and the Democrats that did not attend the event today quite frankly are not needed or missed.  This day was fun to see.  And there was no disappointment in not having celebrity attendance.

After years of seeing the same Hollywood faces at every event it becomes boring.  To see fresh faces of everyday American people, who are equal to any "star" is wonderful.  President Trump says he is the president for the "Forgotten man and woman," he says he is for the people.  I can think of no better way than to remove these celebrities from their self-pronounced royal status than to remove them from a prestigious inauguration of the POTUS. There are no royals in this country, our country was founded on that premise!

We love entertainers, we do. We thank you for sharing your talents with us but face it, we can live without entertainers, we cannot live without the heart of patriots of the men and women, the military, who work, protect, and defend this country every day since the founding of it. The show must and will go on without you.  

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