Wednesday, January 18, 2017

We Only Know Life From Our Experiences, a Limited Viewpoint at Best

A lively debate with a friendly acquaintance today proved once again, "A person can go no farther than they know."  Time after time we read stories of someone letting an opportunity pass them by because they did not know one thing... or a rescue was just around the corner when a person gave up trying... When you have limited knowledge you make snap judgments, we all do.  And we are not always correct.

My acquaintance loved Bernie Sanders and feels if this two party system we have in the USA, were a 12 party system like in other countries, Bernie would have been in the running and would have won.  But we don't, so he lost.  He voted instead for Jill Stein. He is petrified with the cabinet Donald is putting together. He nicknamed him "Dump."  He referred to our President elect as "Dump" for the remainder of the hour discussion we had.

This acquaintance is a lovely man personally and says he has a basic respect for all people. (Except President Elect Trump I see.) He was brought up Catholic, never married or had children.  He has traveled the world, working as a model to support himself while he went vagabonding around Europe and other continents.  He had no responsibilities except himself and he had fun with the ladies along the way. He has seen hard times but he found a way to survive.

But he has never had the concerns of a family, a marriage, a business, paid taxes on business, property or schools, yet he is an expert on what Trump is doing wrong. He has never had a need to examine more closely the public education system and the lack of education taught for his child because he has none. (We did and chose private school.)
He believes all rich people are dishonest.  All of them.  Dislikes people who send their kids to private school.

My acquaintance has no experience with running a business, raising a family, getting a mortgage, buying a college education for a child, or understanding any business tax laws, he is limited in his views, yet he is full of reasons President Elect Trump is a louse and doing nothing to benefit our country. He's overly concerned that Trump has a solid gold toilet seat, who cares? (I do not know if Trump has a gold toilet seat? Can we snope that?)

Let's give President Elect Trump a chance. We gave President Obama a chance.
The election is over, we voted... now can we get back to our everyday life?   Inner peace is all we have control over.  

PS A shout out to Melania, please do not put gold toilet seats in The White House, it's gaudy looking and a real waste of tax money, I'm jus' sayin' ...  

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