Saturday, January 7, 2017

Dining in a Aristocratic Railway Car of Olden Times

There is a book that is fun to do to help define what one's CORE values are.  It is call The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte.  What I thought would be an easy workbook to do turned into an emotional journey that made me put the book down every two weeks and pick it back up again.  When I start a workbook I like to finish it.  Overall the book took me about 3 months to complete.  I had read other people did the workbook in a weekend.  I wonder if they read the book thoroughly, thoughtfully, and did everything in it.  There is a lot to consider. If you would like to get the book to find your core values and begin orchestrating your own life surrounding your core values you can order it at to support her private business or Barnes & Noble. I ordered from her.

In the process I found one of my core values is "Beauty."  I love beautiful things be it seeing nature with animals, mountains, snow, trees, fields, insects, or inside beauty such as beautiful furnishings, beautiful colonial houses, paintings, bowls, silverware, plates, dishes, chairs, railway cars for presidents and high officials to travel in.  Beautiful houses inside and out like "Hildene" Robert Todd Lincoln's house in Manchester, Vermont.  At this house is a restored Pullman railway car that Theodore Roosevelt traveled in as his correspondence car while he was campaigning for president. (1903 Pullman made these luxury sleepers)

I never tire of visiting train cars inside or riding on a train.  I have always wanted to eat or sleep on one of these luxury cars. Yesterday I got my dream.  One of my favorite things to do is "Be FIRST without trying!"  This means the universe supplied me with an unexpected adventure that I had not planned but always dreamed about and this was one of them. Thank you Universe! or if you believe God is "reality" then Thank you God!

My husband asked me to go to NJ to pick up a part he needed.  He asked me to ride along for a date.  I said, "Yes."  We went to a little town to a little shop.  The owner told him about a great place to have dinner with his wife.  As I looked the restaurant up on my phone, I can't believe it! The restaurant has two Pullman cars from The Gilded Age (1903) that you can dine in! Be still my heart!  I am so excited to eat there I cannot believe it!

We had dinner in a luxurious dining car with porters in red coats and servers in tuxedo with black tie just like the days of old!  It is beautiful!  The food was delicious and I highly recommend you visit and be treated like royalty not only in service and food but in the atmosphere!  The polished mahogany has no less than 24 layers of lacquer to restore it to its original luster.  The inlaid designs of the wood meticulous detail used in its cabinets and overhead doors of the sleepers, beautiful.

Did I say I love beauty?  I know no matter where I was born back then, I would have made my way to be a part of the people that traveled in style, either by marriage or by service, I would have enjoyed this life, but for today I will enjoy my Sweetheart and having dinner with him on the "Oceanic" Pullman car in Morristown, N.J.  Life does not get any better than this!

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