Sunday, January 22, 2017

My Sweetheart has a Tender Heart for People and Animals, Sigh

We had a patient from the wild. My hubby and I love animals. A bird flew into our glass doors and knocked itself out. My cats watched intensely as they begged to go out. After a half hour, bird still not up on legs so I went out and held it in my warm hands, it turned over but looked dazed. 

Sweetheart said, "Maybe if you bring it in and keep it safe for the night it will recover and we can let it go." We made cardboard box complete with screen cover to keep safe. Add water, birdseed, and peanut butter, we waited. Next day I worked all day and so did my hubby. Hubby rushed home in the middle of his day to check on bird and release if possible. 

Once outside it hopped but did not fly. So hubby brought it back in and said, "One more night maybe?" Next morning, bird upright in box, sitting. I said, "Sweetheart we must let it go, it is meant to be in the cold and the wild." He, "But it's so cold and it may not find its friends." Me, "If I was that bird, I would rather die on my own terms in my element, than in this box." 

So we let it out, it was hopping and went under our deck. Husband worried...I love that man, I love that he loves this little bird and wants to help too but I think we can help it best by letting it go. What would you do?

I believe humans should have the right to die on their terms too.

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