Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ut oh, another Pickle Jar for Happiness with my Sweetheart

The "Happiness Jar" is an idea shared by Elizabeth Gilbert the author of Eat, Pray, Love that was made into a film.  She is a writer for "O" magazine now.  Oprah gives women empowerment talks and EG is one of her speakers.  When she gives interviews I really enjoy her candid anecdotes for everyday life.   She gives a good interview on MARIE TV, watch on YouTube, "How To Live Your Most Creative Life"  Elizabeth Gilbert with Marie Forleo. Good stuff.

Last night I shared my idea with my Sweetheart about this jar and putting in a daily note of what one thing that made me happy today. I would write it down and put it in the jar;  I asked would he like to join me in doing this?  Then I explained that at the end of the year, we'll read them, have a ceremonial burning of the happiness notes, empty the jar to start over next year.  Not one to get too excited about any of my ritual ideas, he humors me and says,"OK."

He told me that #2 son told him on their skiing trip yesterday that he does something similar. #2 son keeps a journal and each night records something he is grateful for that day.  That works too.

So I got out one of my big, empty "Olive" pickle jar for my scobies, yes, the same one I had a cardiac arrest throwing the pickles out, and set it on the counter.

Usually I get up and leave early mornings before anyone else is up.  This morning was the same, I ran down the dark staircase, into the kitchen thinking I will start our happiness jar with two days of my own happiness thoughts thus far into the new year for our jar.  The jar is on the counter but by the jar I see tiny pieces of cut paper in a stack, and two inside the jar with something written on them.

I write my two and then read the two my Sweetheart had put in.  I wrote seeing our #2 son and a clean refrigerator.  He wrote seeing #2 son and skiing with #2 son.  My Sweetheart had already written his and left them for me to find.  I see we both focus on our children as being our "happy" thought. What a Sweetheart!

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