Sunday, January 29, 2017

Peaceful night with Quentin Tarantino

No one loves a good Western more than me.  Settling the wild, wild west was an exciting time. What is it about a Quentin Tarantino movie that is so violent it can make you vomit to see some of the scenes of sudden killing with body juice and parts flying everywhere, yet you keep watching to see the justice in the plot?

Inglorious Bastards is a horrid film and so many good people die before the villain is slain. Quentin can keep you such animated suspense you are always on edge of your seat wanting the good guys to live. In Tarantino films the good guys sometimes die too.  Men like these Quentin Tarantino films a lot. I suppose it appeals to their nature to see justice and the bad guys dead in the end, but the movie that leads up to it is horrifying.

Kill Bill was hard to watch but I got through it because my husband liked it.  Yes I bought him Kill Bill II as well.  The action, the actors, the extreme hatred of the bad guys makes the killing of them so right.  It has to be the passion we have for what is right.

I believe most men do not like to see a woman victimized in any way. At least the American men I know.  When men are brutal to women in Quentin's films my menfolk want the perpetrator to be stopped and if death comes to him, so be it.

Reservoir Dogs is so violent I cannot watch it anymore.

To see innocents escape to freedom gives us such a sense of relief. These films are not my choice but I watch to be next to my Sweetie. When Tarantino states, "Violence is a fun thing to watch," I think it must be a guy thing.

This is a paradox I think about, if I listen to Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie daily, and I know this is the way to inner peace, how can I watch Quentin Tarantino movies?  Maybe I know these movies are not real, but the story line can be liberating?

Well this was a date night with my sweetheart, I cooked dinner, set a candlelight table with tablecloth, and we sat in front of our big screen tv to watch Tarantino movies with three cats nearby. It is the only kind of movies my husband won't fall asleep while watching.

A peaceful night at home enjoying life.  I think I'll have a cup of tea and be thankful to have my own Knight in Shining Armor beside me, even though I am not a damsel in distress.  Men, go figure.

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