Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Let's Bite, Kick, and Believe

There is no secret that I love LOVE stories.  To see a man and woman go through hard times together and never doubt their love and commitment is my cup of tea.

In times of settling America women were often left at home while men went to work.  Some men were rangers, cattlemen who moved cattle from one state to another, doctors that traveled to their patients, some were homesteaders. Even if there was a bad crop season they stayed together, they had to there was nowhere to go.  Some of them, in time even found true love in their union.

The women had to Cowgirl up to stay alive and feed a family.  There are not as many stories as we would like to hear of the women and their true life struggles being a wife in an unsettled nation but enough is known that life was hard.  Very few women lived in luxury in the cities with nannies and servants in the house.  The days of sitting home learning to embroider and play the fortepiano is not the life of a woman on the American frontier. There is a DVD title TRUE WOMEN based on a true story by Janice Woods Windle I highly recommend to ladies.

Today men, good men, are working long hours to secure a home, car, vacation, and the needs of a growing family.  Sometimes women work too.  But reality is if someone is taking care of the children full time, there has to one person taking care to work full-time, maybe even overtime, so the other can stay home comfortably.  Easier done when the marriage is tight and the two understand you cannot have it all, all the time.

The movie WAFFLE TOWN was based on a book written by James Adams about a VP hedge fund manager that was fired and found himself unable to find employment until he was hired as a server in Waffle Town.  What I liked best about this film was his wife's unwavering loyalty to her marriage and her husband, when having to sell everything and start over.  She was a RN and was required total bed rest at a time her husband had $2.13 an hour job.  She could have totally lost her mind, I have seen women get nasty over much less, but being pregnant, hormones flying, she stayed devoted to her husband.

The best advice in the movie was taught to Jim by a grill cook he met while working at a restaurant. He asked what did Jim love to do?  What would he do for free because he loved it so?  So Jim opened up his own Adams Financial advising average people how to manage their money. Wise grill cook, great friend. The support Jim got from his father and grandfather through it all was impressive. A great family.

My sweetheart and I have been through tough time, and there have been arguments, doubts of how to land on our feet again, how to start over again, but I would not give up on him or our marriage.  I have such a respect and love for this man that sometimes, I really think he was made just for me.

No one understands how we got together, how we stay together, how we fit together, but no one has to, it is not their marriage, not their life.  Only the two of us know how deeply we admire and see inside each other's soul.  

And like I told our children, "There is no way you are going to put two thoroughbred horses in the same stall and not expect to get a bit of biting, kicking the stall walls and loud noises, it is part of what makes them champions!"  😉


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