Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mummy Mouse Did Not Help, But Mummy Did Build Mouse Skeletons

Mushrooms and onions were being sauteed in butter when Sweetheart turned oven fan on.  We heard a clicking in the fan and took the fan grill down. We found a mummified brown mouse whose tail was caught on the side and every time the blade went round, it clicked on the skeleton tail.

Up the tall white candlestick
Ran little Mousey Brown
To find and eat the tallow
But he could not get back down
He called Mummy do come quick
But Mummy was in town
So he rolled himself up in a ball
And rolly roll rolly roll
Rolled himself right down

Up this time inside a fan
Ran Little Mousey Brown
To find and eat some bacon grease
But he could not get back down
So he wedged himself beside the blade
To grab a few quick winks
But when he awakened
He can't escape
And now his carcass stinks!

Or something like that, I put on a plastic glove and pulled the mummy mouse out. Bon Appetit!

Ok, I had a friend years ago whose mother was a deaf mute raised on a farm.  She did not have much formal education but she liked to study owls.  She made note of where they perched and pooped so she could gather their feces, separate the mouse bones from the feces, boil the bones, bleach the bones white, and then proceed to completely reassemble the mouse skeleton with glue while the children watched.  She did this several times each winter. Clever Lady! I bet she could put puzzles together faster than anyone in the neighborhood...

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